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Admissions 2024-25

Fostering Future Leaders: Celebrating Leadership At The ICSK Senior Investiture Ceremony

May 08, 2024 ICSK Senior

The Investiture Ceremony at Indian Community School, Senior on Monday, 8th May 2024 was a significant event where the newly elected School Senate Members and Prefectorial Body for the academic year 2024 - 25 were acknowledged and assigned their responsibilities. It aimed to fostering and nurturing leadership qualities among students. The ceremony was graced by H.E. Maj. Gen. Md Ashikuzzaman, Ambassador of Bangladesh to Kuwait, as the Chief Guest, who received a warm welcome from the students.

The ceremony began with the Senate members marching proudly to the stage, accompanied by uplifting music. It commenced formally with recitation of verses from the Holy Quran and a prayer song, followed by the national anthems of Kuwait and Bangladesh. The lighting of the lamp by the Chief Guest, accompanied by Dr. V. Binumon, Principal and Senior Administrator of ICSK, marked the inauguration.

Mrs. Susan Rajesh, Vice Principal of ICSK, Senior welcomed the attendees and lauded the elected senate members for their success in the elections. She encouraged them to uphold the school's values of resilience, perseverance, respect and integrity. 

The Chief Guest, in his address congratulated the young leaders and urged them to be role models, inspiring others by their actions. Stressing on leadership qualities, he urged the elected members to be honest in their approach, be committed towards their goals and discharge their duties and responsibilities diligently. Highlighting that cooperation and team spirit is the key to success, he encouraged the young leaders to trust each other and have confidence in the abilities of the team and above all he inspired them to be good human beings. The house mentors of the four houses – Achievers, Leaders, Winners, and Victors – were honored with badges by the Chief Guest. 

The esteemed Chief Guest invested the young leaders with badges and guidelines stating the duties and responsibilities that comes along with the title. Dr. V. Binumon administered the oath to the Senate members, who pledged to fulfill their duties to the best of their abilities. A total of 242 students were appointed as office bearers of the School Senate and Prefectorial Body, a moment of pride for their parents. 

The ceremony included a captivating dance performance by talented students on the theme ‘Jwala – The fire of knowledge,’ which enthralled the audience. It concluded with a vote of thanks by the President of the School Senate, Master Abdullah Sabah Thakur. The gathering honored the national anthem of India.

The Investiture Ceremony at ICSK was a resounding success, symbolizing the beginning of a new journey for the appointed leaders, who are determined to excel and bring honor to their school. Led by Senate Advisor, Mr. Vinod Laxmanan, the School Senate is ready to lead the institution with dedication and competence.